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Upcoming Clothing Exchange Dates for 2025 :
Tuesday 7th January
Tuesday 4th February
Tuesday 4th March
Tuesday 1st April
Children grow out of their clothes quickly and new clothes can be expensive. Lyppard Hub Clothing Exchange enables families to swap their children’s pre-loved clothes which have been outgrown but can be given another go by someone else!
The scheme works simply by receiving credits for each item of clothing donated which can then be used to exchange for other items.
First Swap??
If you are an expectant parent or have recently given birth and don’t have anything outgrown yet to swap, you can take up to 10 items from the newborn range to get you started.
Please note we will only accept clean, good quality pre-loved clothes.
NO underwear including socks, NO shoes, NO swimwear, NO damaged or stained items.
Please sort through your clothes before attending, this will help our volunteers by speeding up the process when you attend. Please do not bring more than 30 items of clothing.
The Exchange is held on the first Tuesday of every month, Term Time Only, from 11.30am to 1pm.
For more details contact the Hub on 01905 616841
Come along and Swap, Don’t Shop!!