What Happens On My Child’s First Session?
Upon arriving at the Youth Club your child will be shown around the youth club and introduced to the youth team, then a staff member will complete a ‘first contact ‘consent form with your child. The form consists of their name, date-of-birth, school year group and emergency contact details (parent/ guardian name and contact number) which will then be passed to the Hub receptionist who will contact the number ensuring it is correct and a full consent form will then be sent to the parent/guardian.
Alternatively you can print off a consent form, via the link below, to complete and either you or your child can hand this to Lyppard Hub Youth Club Staff on their first visit
Lyppard Hub Youth Club Consent Form
How Does My Child Get To Youth Club?
The Youth Club has it’s own entrance/exit for the Young People to use, this is a fire door situated at the back of the Lyppard Hub Building (within the gated park area). We have made a video showing how to find us here.
Most young people make their own way to & from the Youth Club, but some parents/ guardians collect from outside the park area, or car park at the front of Lyppard Hub. These arrangements are between the young person & their parent/ guardian, as once your child has left the building you, as their parent / guardian, become responsible for their actions.
Is The Park Area Manned By Staff?
The park is currently deemed part of Lyppard Hub but this is only whilst Youth Club is in session (on Tuesdays & Thursdays between 6.30pm and 8pm) so during these times it is manned by staff, sometimes we run activities in park area too!
Lyppard Hub does have CCTV on the park and around the building so even outside of the youth club hours if/ when incidents occur it can be reviewed and passed to the relevant authorities.
Can My Child Leave Session?
Lyppard Hub Youth Club Staff provide activities that the young people wish to take part in, and with this in mind we encourage the young people to stay within youth club for the whole session.
However, we cannot force young people to stay unless an incident occurred where your child is at harm to themselves, others or the property in which case staff would stay with them until a parent/ guardian or relevant authority (i.e. police, ambulance) can arrive to collect.
What Is There To Do At The Club?
The Youth Club is run at the bottom section of the Lyppard Hub building, spread across The Barn & Café Area, Activity Room 4, Hall 2 and the Park, as well as having access to the Kitchen. Activities can take place within each room; typically sports in the hall, Colouring/ Crafts in the café area, and dancing/ karaoke in Activity Room 4. The youth workers sometimes run cooking & baking sessions in the kitchen too!
The current Youth Leader is keen for the club to be Youth-Led meaning if the young people ask for certain activities the youth team endeavour to make this happen. For example, a local martial arts trainer ran a training exercise after a particular group wanted to try kickboxing. On another occasion the youth club provided a free First Aid Workshop as some of the young people expressed interest in gaining this qualification.
Will My Child Have Food & Drink?
We provide free drinks of squash or water, and seasonal drinks (e.g. smoothies, milkshakes or hot chocolate) as well as selection of biscuits.
We allow the young people to bring their own food to be eaten in the café area but Energy drinks are banned, explained in detail in our Energy Drinks Policy.
What Happens If My Child Misbehaves?
All Young People who attend Lyppard Hub Youth Club sign an Acceptable Behaviour Contract. This contract outlines the rules of both the Youth Club, and Lyppard Hub, which clearly states what action will be taken if the young person fails to follow them.
Behaviour contracts are used in most high school settings which gives the young people responsibility over their actions. Please view a copy of the session rules via the link below
Does The Youth Club Have A Safeguarding Policy?
Lyppard Hub Youth Club has regularly updated policies and procedures which are also connected to the Lyppard Hub’s Policies. These include a Safeguarding Policy, Health & Safety Policy, Equal Opportunities Policy, and Social Media Policy.
If you wish to view any/ all of our policies please arrange this by contacting the Lyppard Hub Manager by calling 01905 616841 or email info@lyppardhub.co.uk
Are The Staff Appropriately Qualified To Work With Young People?
All Staff & Volunteers at Lyppard Hub Youth Club hold a current DBS, and have experience with children & young people. We also ensure that when activities are run from external providers they have got a current DBS and relevant paperwork. Lyppard Hub also ensures that at least one member staff on each shift has First Aid training.
How Can Parents/Guardians Voice Any Concerns?
Should you have any further questions or concerns you can contact the Youth Club Leader, the quickest way to do this is via direct message on the Lyppard Hub Youth Clubs social media Facebook and Instagram, or you can contact through the Lyppard Hub email info@lyppardhub.co.uk.